All our sermons are live streamed onto our YouTube channel, click here to access it. GPC Video Greenlane Presbyterian Church (GPC) is a Bible-based and family-oriented Christian church, incorporating people of all ages, stages and walks of life. We place an emphasis on sound bible teaching at the heart of our worship services and home groups. Jesus Christ is the focus of our faith and worship. Mission is one of our top priorities. Worship Services Sunday @ 9.30am (English language) Sunday @ 12.30pm (Tongan language) Visiting Us? – We love having new friends join with us in worship. Here are a few answers to questions you may have about GPC. – Parking: Parking is available at the church or across the road at the Public Trust building, and at Bridgestone (Great South Rd). – Time: Church starts at 9.30am and finishes about 10.45am. – Greenlane Presbyterian Church is situated at the corner between Great South Road and Greenlane West, Auckland. Visit our church website for more information: YouTube Video VVVtS1hhbEFtM2ZsZHRSQ0JQUTdQTUl3LjRFOWhpcEo2T3dj